
Hello, and welcome to the second Night Plight devlog! Recently I've been getting ready to dive more heavily into the white-boxing stage. This includes a lot of me gathering assets and making sure they can be appropriately imported into Unity.

While I will be modeling a lot of items in-game myself, I also decided to purchase some asset packs off the Unity Asset Store to make my job a bit easier. I want my game to feel lived in and populated, so this helps me so that I can have a wider variety of detailed models within the time frame I will be working.

I am still working on modeling, retopologizing, and texturing the Cain model, so for the time being I ended up drafting a mock-up in Maya that I am affectionately referring to as block boy. This model is low poly but contains the same dimensions that the final model will have, allowing me to go ahead and download a variety of animations off of Mixamo.

While I am sure I will be looking for more animations in the future, for now I I went ahead and found the necessities, such as idles, running animations, jumping animations, a spawn animation, etc. Following this, I went ahead and imported the Cain model into Unity and began retargeting the animations.


At this time I am now working on refining the animation's fluidity and dealing with a few technical issues, such as not being able to move the model forward unless jumping.

Thank you for reading, and I will be sure to post again once I make process with white-boxing!

Get Night Plight

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