Weekly Goals #1

So starting this week I will be posting weekly goals and progress logs - at least one, but maybe more!

As of this week my goal is to finish UV mapping all of the Maya assets I have currently created for my game to get them ready for texturing. An additional component of this has been switching out some of my rough, whiteboxed objects for actual assets that I purchased off of the Unity store, such as some random toys and a couple lamps.

(Sorry its so dark - I've started playing around with lighting and still need to finesse.)

While most of the objects I need to lay out UVs for are fairly simple, there are a LOT of them, currently sorted into different categories by the types of textures they will need. We have wooden items (cabinets, the toy box, the door etc), various plastic, glassy toys and misc items (a binder, some marbles, legoes, etc), picture decorations including photos, paintings, and children's drawings, fabric items (rugs, stuffed animals, a baseball cap, etc), and so on.

As soon as each item has its UVs, I will continue to separate them into their own texture groups to be imported into Substance Painter. As of now, I'm planning on doing most of my texture work using that program, but that is up to change in the future.

I'd say I'm currently about 65% done - almost all of the simple items have their UVs, and now I am working a bit more meticulously on some objects with more complicated geometry. I will be posting again in a few days to show my progress!

Get Night Plight

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